eTwinning Projekt "Europe to ride"

Kurz vor den Sommerferien haben wir unser Projekt mit unseren Partnern aus Murcia (Spanien) und Chocen (Tschechien) beendet. Hat das Projekt noch ganz normal nach den Winterferien begonnen, so hat Corona (COVID-19) für einen etwas anderen Projektverlauf gesorgt. 

Wegen der Schulschließung mussten wir sehr viel von zu Hause aus arbeiten, wie z.B. den Logo-Wettbewerb, das Schreiben der Geschichten oder auch die Evaluierung des Projekts. In dieser Zeit rückten aber die Vorteile von eTwinning in den Vordergrund, da wir mit unseren Partnern auch von zu Hause kommunizieren konnten und das Projekt nicht beendet werden musste. So führten wir auch ein Corona-Tagebuch, in denen die spanischen Schülerinnen und Schüler von ihrer Ausgangssperre berichteten und was es für sie bedeutet, das Haus nicht mehr verlassen zu dürfen. Außerdem spielten Schüler, Lehrer und Familienangehörige Bingo, um ein bisschen Abwechslung in den Alltag zu bringen. Lucía aus Spanien sowie Jonte und Familie Grell aus Celle konnten sich über attraktive Gewinne freuen. 
Zu Beginn des Projekts haben wir uns und unsere Heimatstädte zuerst vorgestellt. Hier konnten wir erste Kontakte zu den Partnern knüpfen. Die Kontakte wurden mit weiteren Aktivitäten gestärkt, u.a. dem Logo-Wettbewerb. Die Gewinnerin des Wettberwerbs war Veronika aus Chocen. Ihr Logo hat sich gegen weitere Vorschläge ihrer Mitschüler*innen und den Vorschlägen aus Deutschland und Spanien durchgesetzt. Es stimmten 46% für ihr Logo. 
Aber nicht nur die Schülerinnen und Schüler tauschten sich aus, sondern auch die Lehrkräfte. Tschechien hat vor Deutschland die Schulen geschlossen. So nutzte die tschechische Lehrerin Frau Kubova u.a. Skype für Online-Unterrichststunden, Frau Belmonte Gazquez aus Spanien Google Classroom oder Google Meet, um mit ihren Schülern zu chatten oder sie mit Unterrichtsmaterial zu versorgen. 
Der persönliche Austausch während der langen Zeit zu Hause war für alle gewinnbringend und neue Freund*innen wurden gewonnen. Mit Sicherheit war dies nicht das letzte Projekt mit unseren Partnern aus Murcia und Chocen. 

Unsere erste Geschichte: der Anfang wurde von den Spaniern geschrieben, der mittlere Teil von den Tschechen und das Ende von Lelaina und Josi aus unserem 7. Jahrgang:


I`m Brenda, a small coin, and I am going to make a spectacular trip through Europe.

July 21st

I´m on my way to the train station to start my trip to Valencia. When I arrived in Valencia I stayed at the hotel and went down to visit the Oceanografic, a huge aquarium with different types of marine beings. On the way to this place, while I was walking, a girl took me and we went to a small candy store. I didn`t know what was happening, I was very worried, when suddenly she handed me over to the saleswoman and put me in the cash register. I could not go out. When the box unexpectedly opened, I jumped down to the ground and could continue my journey.

July 22nd

I was at the train station to head to Barcelona. I arrived after 3 hours on the train. I stayed at the hotel and went down to visit la Sagrada Familia, a huge cathedral in Barcelona.

.. and then it happened. Somebody took me and closed me into a wallet. “I have already been here for a long time...” Brenda thought and she started to try get out. When finally she had power and she tried to get out of it…, the wallet was opened and a big hand appeared and took her with the other coins. An old man held Brenda and gave her to a saleswoman in a newsagent. Brenda tried to get out but unsuccessfully. The saleswoman closed the cash register with Brenda and the gentleman left. Brenda was desperate again, but she knew that the box office would be opened again and the saleswoman would give her to someone. After a while the box office was opened and Brenda was happy not to be locked up there. Brenda was taken by a lady who put her in her pants´ pocket. It was good luck, so Brenda could jump away. "And where am I going now?" Brenda asked herself. “But first I have to find out where I am” . She was in a big building, but what building it is? Brenda tried to get out of a building that was full of people and… she couldn't believe her eyes. ”Prague Central Station? Where am I? I already know! I am in the Czech Republic.

Brenda has known the Czech Republic from TV, where the people always talk about Charles Bridge or the St. Vitus Cathedral and so on. Brenda was looking around for a long time and then she spotted a yellow taxi. A young girl got on the taxi and Brenda jumped into her bag. .. and they went together. It was a long way. When the car stopped, Brenda found out that she wasn´t in Prague anymore, she was in the city named Brno..

She got off the taxi and stayed in front of a large building - Gallery Vaňkovka. This is a big shopping center just next to the railway station.

Brenda looked around and suddenly a dirty, disheveled gentleman held her in his hand. Brenda was scared and wanted to jump away but it was impossible, the homeless man was holding Brenda so tightly, that she couldn't even breathe. He went somewhere with her. The homeless man put Brenda into his mouth … „What am I supposed to do now? Does he really want to eat me? HELP!" Brenda screamed. The homeless man pulled Brenda out, wiped her on his tissue and said something .. after some time he paid with Brenda and bought some alcohol. Brenda was lying on the counter. She was waiting for the right moment to run away. Fortunately she managed it. She went to the park, sat on the bench and started thinking...

When I´m in Brno, I could visit the villa Tugendhat - it is an architecturally significant building in Brno. It was built between 1928 and 1930 and the villa soon became an icon of modernism. Then I could go to Liberty Square and head to the Grandezza Hotel which is a luxury hotel in Brno.” Brenda said.

When she arrived at the hotel, she hid herself in the cleaning room and she stayed there over night.

In the morning when she woke up, she was in a pocket „Oh somebody has taken me“ said Brenda.

It was a cleaning lady who took her during her morning work. While a cleaning lady was tidying up the room of a German tourist, Brenda fell down on the floor. Then the German tourist called Gerhard found her and put her into his wallet. Brenda said „I need help“. Gerhard took her and asked her what she needed. Brenda was so suprised that the man can understand her and Gerhard too. „ Nothing“ Brenda said very quietly. „Only I didn´t want to be closed in wallet. Where are you going?” Brenda asked him. “Me? I´m German and I´m going back home to Germany, do you want to go with me?” “Yes please, it would be great.” Brenda answered. “So we can´t be late. We have to go to the train station, our train is leaving at 5 p.m.”

In the train I looked out of the window and I saw beautiful nature, towns, cities,… To make it short, it was a beautiful panorama and it was really amazing!! „I think I will like Germany…“ , Brenda whispered.

A few hours later I woke up in the wallet of Gerhard. He said: "Up to the castle". I wondered which castle he meant, because Germany has many castles.

I asked him: "Where are we?". He answered: “Now, we are visiting Neuschwanstein Castle near Munich”.

First we stood in a large room decorated with gold. In the middle there was a large chandelier next to an information board.

Gerhard read aloud: "This large castle was built in 1869 and was opened about twenty years later. The height of the castle is 65 m."

I was so tired of the train ride that I eventually fell asleep.

That evening I woke up because of a vibration. I was on a train once again. One more time I wondered where I was. Gerhard noticed that I woke up. He explained to me that we were now on our way to Hanover to visit his family.

When we got there, I saw a lot of people jumping on something. Gerhard, too, suddenly began to jump.

He gained a lot of height and flipped over. In this moment I fell out of his wallet. He didn't notice and kept jumping. Then I lay on something weird, it was black, moved all the time and I rolled around.

Suddenly a little girl reached for me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The girl dropped me, but picked me up again relatively quickly.

I asked again, "Who are you and where am I?" The girl answered with a trembling voice: "I am Lisa and we are here at the Jumphaus Hanover, the Jumphaus is a trampoline hall with many trampoline attractions."

In the evening, Lisa wanted me to go home with her.

We went on the train to Celle, but I didn't want to be with her because it seemed weird to me. So I jumped out of her wallet just before we reached Celle and landed under her seat. Lisa got off at the train station and I stayed under the dark seat…

The End

(written by Valeria, Ada, Alba, Marta, Veronika B., Vendy A., Šárka T, Josi and Lelaina)

Unsere zweite Geschichte:

der Anfang wurde von den Spaniern geschrieben, der mittlere Teil von den Tschechen und das Ende von Inja aus unserem 7. Jahrgang:


I`m Brenda, a small coin, and I am going to make a spectacular trip through Europe.

July 21st

I´m on my way to the train station to start my trip to Valencia. When I arrived in Valencia I stayed at the hotel and went down to visit the Oceanografic, a huge aquarium with different types of marine beings. On the way to this place, while I was walking, a girl took me and we went to a small candy store. I didn`t know what was happening, I was very worried, when suddenly she handed me over to the saleswoman and put me in the cash register. I could not go out. When the box unexpectedly opened, I jumped down to the ground and could continue my journey.

July 22nd

I was at the train station to head to Barcelona. I arrived after 3 hours on the train. I stayed at the hotel and went down to visit la Sagrada Familia, a huge cathedral in Barcelona.

.. and then it happened. Somebody took me and closed me into a wallet. “I have already been here for a long time...” Brenda thought and she started to try get out. When finally she had power and she tried to get out of it…, the wallet was opened and a big hand appeared and took her with the other coins. An old man held Brenda and gave her to a saleswoman in a newsagent. Brenda tried to get out but unsuccessfully. The saleswoman closed the cash register with Brenda and the gentleman left. Brenda was desperate again, but she knew that the box office would be opened again and the saleswoman would give her to someone. After a while the box office was opened and Brenda was happy not to be locked up there. Brenda was taken by a lady who put her in her pants´ pocket. It was good luck, so Brenda could jump away. "And where am I going now?" Brenda asked herself. “But first I have to find out where I am” . She was in a big building, but what building it is? Brenda tried to get out of a building that was full of people and… she couldn't believe her eyes. ”Prague Central Station? Where am I? I already know! I am in the Czech Republic.

Brenda has known the Czech Republic from TV, where the people always talk about Charles Bridge or the St. Vitus Cathedral and so on. Brenda was looking around for a long time and then she spotted a yellow taxi. A young girl got on the taxi and Brenda jumped into her bag. .. and they went together. It was a long way. When the car stopped, Brenda found out that she wasn´t in Prague anymore, she was in the city named Brno..

She got off the taxi and stayed in front of a large building - Gallery Vaňkovka. This is a big shopping center just next to the railway station.

Brenda looked around and suddenly a dirty, disheveled gentleman held her in his hand. Brenda was scared and wanted to jump away but it was impossible, the homeless man was holding Brenda so tightly, that she couldn't even breathe. He went somewhere with her. The homeless man put Brenda into his mouth … “What am I supposed to do now? Does he really want to eat me? HELP!" Brenda screamed. The homeless man pulled Brenda out, wiped her on his tissue and said something .. after some time he paid with Brenda and bought some alcohol. Brenda was lying on the counter. She was waiting for the right moment to run away. Fortunately she managed it. She went to the park, sat on the bench and started thinking...

When I´m in Brno, I could visit the villa Tugendhat - it is an architecturally significant building in Brno. It was built between 1928 and 1930 and the villa soon became an icon of modernism. Then I could go to Liberty Square and head to the Grandezza Hotel which is a luxury hotel in Brno.” Brenda said.

When she arrived at the hotel, she hid herself in the cleaning room and she stayed there over night.

In the morning when she woke up, she was in a pocket “Oh somebody has taken me“ said Brenda.

It was a cleaning lady who took her during her morning work. While a cleaning lady was tidying up the room of a German tourist, Brenda fell down on the floor. Then the German tourist called Gerhard found her and put her into his wallet. Brenda said “I need help“. Gerhard took her and asked her what she needed. Brenda was so suprised that the man can understand her and Gerhard too. “Nothing“ Brenda said very quietly. “Only I didn´t want to be closed in wallet. Where are you going?” Brenda asked him. “Me? I´m German and I´m going back home to Germany, do you want to go with me?” “Yes please, it would be great.” Brenda answered. “So we can´t be late. We have to go to the train station, our train is leaving at 5 p.m.”

In the train I looked out of the window and I saw beautiful nature, towns, cities,… To make it short, it was a beautiful panorama and it was really amazing!! “I think I will like Germany…“ , Brenda whispered.

I woke up 8 hours later. I must have been so tired that I fell asleep. Finally the train stopped and Gerhard picked me up and put me in the pocket of his pants. He got off the train and walked down the platform oft he train station. Suddenly he lost his hat and when he bent down to pick it up I fell out of his pocket. I wanted to call after him but I was too tired and could only manage a soft “No wait stop!“ My calling was without success and so I sat down in a small opening and fell asleep again.

The next morning I was woken up by a hand that picked me up and put me in a dark pocket of a backpack. I could see through a small hole in the fabric and saw a tall building. There was a sign saying: Elbphilharmonie. The Person went inside and everything was soooooo big! We went up a couple of escalators. On the top we had a wonderful view. I could see boats and water. All of a sudden the backpack was put on the ground and the owner went towards the bathroom. The backpack was picked up and someone started running really fast. It was very obvious that a thief had picked up the backpack. While running away the hole in the pocket ripped open and I fell out.

Now I am lying on the ground – waiting until someone finds me and picks me up again… Suddenly a big bird picked me up and carried me away in its beak – it looked like a large magpie. I was afraid of being dropped and decided to close my eyes. Because of an almost collision with a beach chair the magpie dropped me and I roughly fell onto the warm sand next to a nice looking beach shell.

When I had rubbed the sand out of my eyes I could see a large tower in some distance – many people were sitting in some sort of ring which was pulled up slowly and then dropped down really fast. That looked like so much fun! I realized I must have ended up at the beach of Scharbeutz on the Baltic sea. I had read about the Highlander Tower in the newspaper – it was the highest freefall tower in Europe! I would love to ride it.

While I was staring up towards the tower a little boy came and picked me up. Incredibly he had found me on the beach – I must have sparkled in the sun. He took me to his parents on their beach mat and proudly presented me. The dad smiled and praised his son – then he put me into his beach bag. “Tomorrow we are going to do something special with you money.“ Maybe the family will visit the Hansa Park and ride the Highlander?! Happy and hopeful I fell asleep in the bag…full of anticipation fort he next day.

The End

(written by Valeria, Ada, Alba, Marta, Veronika B., Vendy A., Šárka T and Inja)